Above are the buoys to the south of the bridge.  At the four foot mark, just north of the northern most buoys, it is really four feet deep.  That means on some really severe days it can be as shallow as two and a half feet, but it is rare; and the wind would probably have to blow out of the north west for several days at very high velocities to blow the surface water to the south end of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.  See charts for hourly water level near Sturgeon Bay by clicking here for yesterday.  It has often been above 578.5 feet in May of 02.  Note, Datum low water mark used on the official charts is 577.5 feet.   

Note.  The east end of 18th Ave is at 87 deg 21.114 min. on the chart, but on my GPS-12's it measured 87 deg 21.084 min.

This page was last updated on: January 4, 2017
This page created May 9,  02
webmaster is markusritter@hotmail.com
Counter reset Sept. 2005,  read 84 on July 22, 02

Click here for Pictures of Sankaty's buoy location as it moved over the years. 
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Above are the moorings just north of the Bayview Highway bridge.    For reference my GPS's read a bit north and east of the position on the chart see
Bayview_Bridge page. (click here)     Also see chart 14919 accuracy.

Note: The east end of 15th ave is at 87 deg 21.562 min. on the chart and on my GPS-12's it is at 87 deg 21.545 min. Therefore, all the marks are about 120 feet too far to the east.  Later I found that they are also about 120 feet too far to the north.  So much for  +/- 15 feet.  Does anyone know why it is off or how to compensate for it?  One suggestion was to borrow a GPS with the WAAS feature.  I have found that my GPS's read well within +/- 15 ft, but the 14919 chart is wrong.   A careful look at the chart segment below shows two circle enclosed dots to the south east of the bridge opening that is what the GPS thinks the location of the south and north end of the bridge are.  Moral of the story is that you just have to test your electronics in the day time with no fog to see how good or bad it really is.